Cazón, town of entrepreneurs




entrepreneurship, heritage, rural villages, rural community tourism


This paper reports on an Extension Project of the School of Economic Sciences (FCE) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) during 2018-2019 in the town of Cazón, Saladillo.

Our proposal invites us to think about a management linked to the revaluation of the cultural, productive and environmental heritage of destinations, which adapts the tourism model to the specificities of each territory and, thus, avoids the consequent deterioration of the endogenous values of the local communities. In this context, rural community-based tourism was addressed, where the local population, its producers, artisans and their families exercise a central role in the organization in a self-managed way, with the equitable distribution of their benefits.

The objective was to promote the development of rural towns through rural tourism as a social articulator of community enterprises, encouraging associativity among small entrepreneurs. The methodology was developed in a participatory and horizontal manner, under the workshop modality, generating spaces for the exchange of experiences and knowledge that strengthened its development.

In conclusion, the participatory, supportive, and collaborative processes made it possible for the inhabitants to organize decision-making and strengthen the social and productive fabric by promoting improvements in the living conditions of the community.


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How to Cite

Molinari, G., & Rossi, E. (2021). Cazón, town of entrepreneurs. Ayana. Revista De Investigación En Turismo, 2(1), 014.