Indicators to Assess Adaptation to Climate Change through Ecotourism




A.D.A.P.T., climate change adaptation, ecotourism, indicators, Delphi method


While adaptation to climate change focuses on the green energy technological revolution called grey adaptation, the little-mentioned green and hybrid adaptations, corresponding to practices such as ecotourism, have yet to be explored. Therefore, this work seeks to highlight adaptation through ecotourism. In the absence of an exclusive manual on adaptation to climate change and tourism, the methodology of multi-criteria analysis proposed by the German Society for International Cooperation was adapted, whose criteria are selected through indicators using A.D.A.P.T. and Delphi, in which 30 international experts evaluate 983 indicators. The results represent a significant contribution to climate change adaptation and tourism by obtaining 25 precise indicators, as well as the discussion about the difficulty and disorder of the indicators proposed by international manuals that could cause poor adaptation, the difficulty in making decisions and the selection of wrong measures. Finally, we stress the need to recover true ecotourism and implement it as an adaptation measure.


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Author Biographies

Valente Vázquez Solís, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Professor Valente Vázquez Solís works as a full-time researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. His extensive experience is redirected to tourism, migration, risk management and gender issues. His practical experience has been recognized to participate in valuable government projects in Mexico. Therefore, his participation in this work has been essential to improve and complement the results.

Álvaro Gerardo Palacio Aponte, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

Professor Álvaro Gerardo Palacio Aponte works as a full-time researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. His extensive experience is redirected to tourism, landscape ecology, land use planning, geomorphology and zoning of natural risks. Therefore, his participation in this work has been essential to improve and complement the results.


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How to Cite

García García, A. M. de J., Vázquez Solís, V., & Palacio Aponte, Álvaro G. (2022). Indicators to Assess Adaptation to Climate Change through Ecotourism. Ayana. Revista De Investigación En Turismo, 3(1), 030.


