Touristic behavior at the Laguna Esmeralda Trail, Ushuaia
tourist behavior, hiking, nature tourism, touristic managementAbstract
Hiking as a tourist practice is related to current tourist trends, connected to the return to nature and the search for significant experiences, particularly in protected natural areas. This study analyzes the behavior of tourists on the Laguna Esmeralda Trail, located on the outskirts of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego A.I.A.S province. A qualitative methodological approach was applied, through direct non-participant observation with a quantitative descriptive analysis. From the results, it is possible to establish, in general terms, how hikers interact with the study area considering its link with nature, its conservation values and aesthetics.. The findings obtained are useful to contribute to the planning and management of both the study and the hiking activity in the region.
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