Reflexive dialogues around new trends and concerns in tourism
tourism research, tourist modalities, tourist practices, concerns in tourism, trendsAbstract
This article presents a series of reflections that took place in the panel "New trends, new concerns in tourism", of the Days of Critical Analysis, carried out at the Tourism Research Institute of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata on 11 and 12 October 2022. Different exhibitions of academic references are recovered regarding a wide spectrum of topics such as UFO extraterrestrial tourism, Mercosur unstructured tourism in the City of Buenos Aires, tourism and memory, accessible tourism and Antarctic tourism.
The final words of the panel moderator constitute a significant contribution since they reflect on transversal concerns to all the exhibitions. This paper aims to advance the analysis of a changing tourism that, demonstrating its multidimensionality and dynamism, challenges actors and opens different questions to rethink both tourism practices and research practices.
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