Emotional-sexual bondings: ways of care exercising in the case of woman deprived of their liberty


  • Irma Colanzi Conicet-Universidad Nacional de La Plata




affectionate sex ties; care; affidamento; emotions


The exercise of care is a right that is deployed in specific ways in different areas. The purpose of this article is to analyze the sex-affective ties in women deprived of their freedom, as a type of exercise of care. The sex-affective logics are presented in the situation of women incarcerated in the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service (SPB), contemplating the contributions of the emotional turn. From the definition of the politicity of emotions, as a care activity, the links between women prisoners are analyzed, and the emotions they show in relation to their families, actors involved in the situation of deprivation of liberty and between their own women arrested. The article analyzes the emotions of women deprived of liberty and the specificity of them based on the modes of collective organization among women, taking the notion of affidamento networks. The article aims to make the definition of care more complex based on the contribution of the emotional turn and contributes to the study of the specificity of women in the plots of punitive power


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Author Biography

Irma Colanzi, Conicet-Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Dra. en Ciencias Sociales (FaHCE, UNLP). Especialista en Abordaje de las violencias interpersonales y de género (FCJyS. UNLP). Especialista en Educación, género y sexualidades (FaHCE. UNLP). Maestranda en Políticas Públicas y Género (FLACSO). Diplomada en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Género y Políticas Públicas (FLACSO). Diploma Regional Género y Justicia (FLACSO). Licenciada y Profesora en Psicología (UNLP). Becaria Postdoctoral CONICET


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How to Cite

Colanzi, I. (2018). Emotional-sexual bondings: ways of care exercising in the case of woman deprived of their liberty. Law and Social Sciences, (18), 121–137. https://doi.org/10.24215/18522971e028

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