Environmental fungal characterization at the National Museum of music in Cuba





fungal biodeterioration, conservation, cultural heritage, environmental quality


From a conservationist perspective, ventilation to control climate parameters relationship with biodeterioration, especially the fungal one, is considered to be vital. During 2014, monthly samples were taken using a sedimentation method and SAS biocolector to characterize airborne mycobiota in deposits of documentary file, art and pianos in the National Music Museum in Cuba and to assess the role of natural cross ventilation in the potential risk of fungal biodeterioration of the collections stored there. High fungal concentrations were detected in indoor air which slightly decreased according to height and the air exchange at each location during most of the year, mainly during the season with low rainfall. The genera showing higher densities and relative frequency were Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Penicillium. The positive effect of natural cross ventilation on reducing microbial load and the effectiveness of the sedimentation sampling method to study microbiological quality of indoor air in museums were demonstrated as an efficient tool for an integrated pest control in heritage collections.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Rodríguez García, Laboratorio de Ciencias Aplicadas, Centro de Conservación, Restauración y Museología, Universidad de las Artes

Profesor Auxiliar e Investigador Auxiliar. Máster en Microbiología

Sofia Flavia Borrego Alonso, Laboratorio de Conservación Preventiva, Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba

Investigadora Titular y Profesora Titular, Dra en Ciencia Biológicas


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How to Cite

Rodríguez García, J. C., & Borrego Alonso, S. F. (2023). Environmental fungal characterization at the National Museum of music in Cuba. AUGM DOMUS, (10), 008. https://doi.org/10.24215/18522181e008


