Relentless Anthropology
The history of anthropological instruments of the Museo de La Plata in a global and local perspective
measurement, precision, standardization, physical anthropology, scientific instrumentsAbstract
The institutionalization of the field of anthropology in the 19th century led to the adoption and development of a varied instrumental corpus intended to replace descriptions of human physical characters with numbers. Our purpose is to analyze the instrumental collection of the Anthropology Division of the Museo de La Plata (Argentina) acquired between the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Eighty-nine items (complete and incomplete instruments and accessories) were identified. On the basis of experiential work and the analysis of written sources, we discuss the intellectual, material, practical, and commercial aspects that may have been involved in their creation and adoption by laboratories around the world. In addition, we analyze how they were brought into the Museo de La Plata, who were their users, what devices these used, and for what purpose. We detected instruments that were not incorporated into any practice, nor were they inventoried or preserved, while others have continued to be used in laboratories and university chairs. First of all, it can be concluded that the composition of the collection is the result of the trajectories of each element. Secondly, biological anthropology, which challenged the raciological perspective of physical anthropology and adopted an evolutionary perspective, has never questioned the instrumental dimension and is becoming an increasingly technological discipline.
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