The multiple organizational identities in textiles Pigüé. Recuperated, cooperative, efficient and social


  • Gilda Cecilia Chosco Diaz Instituto de industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina
  • Claudio Fardelli Corropolese Instituto de industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina.



Producer cooperatives; companies managed by workers.


In Argentina, at present, those who govern the recovered companies went through various traumatic situations caused by a fraudulent bankruptcy. At that time, the prejudices and ideologies of various dominant sectors stigmatized them when they were conceived as usurpers, “piqueteros”, thieves and illegitimate. Given this scenario, those who decided to occupy, resist and face the struggle for their work and dignity, in addition, did it to tell their truth and be free. They stopped being operators and owned by a boss to be their own bosses, and partners that obtained a legitimate and legal public recognition. They learned to be autonomous actors, who sometimes supported old and foreign premises, simultaneously to new and genuine practices modeled in action. In this way, they became empowered subjects, proprietors and owners of know-how that struggles for workers rights.

Through the case study of the recovered company "Textiles Pigüé", a management and development model based on cooperative values, productive efficiency and social inclusion is evidenced. In this context, the following article proposes to explain how a recovered and cooperative work enterprise, which was a capital company, builds its identity, from the symbolic and strategic relationship with others and between them.


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Author Biographies

Gilda Cecilia Chosco Diaz, Instituto de industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina

Investigadora Docente del Instituto de Industria de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, y Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Licenciada en Administración Pública (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento). Magíster en Antropología Social (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales-Instituto de Desarrollo Económico Social. Dicta Teoría de la Organización, Sistemas Administrativos y Seminario de Gestión de Equipos de Trabajo en las Organizaciones.

ORCID 0000-0003-1294-0465

Claudio Fardelli Corropolese, Instituto de industria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina.

Licenciado en Administración (UBA). Investigador Docente del Instituto de Industria de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Docente de Dirección Estratégica, Sistemas Administrativos, Seminario de Trabajo en Equipo en las Organizaciones.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1684-0584



How to Cite

Chosco Diaz, G. C., & Claudio Fardelli Corropolese. (2018). The multiple organizational identities in textiles Pigüé. Recuperated, cooperative, efficient and social. Ciencias Administrativas, (14), 048.