Project Management as a Strategy for the performance evaluation of human talent in companies




project management, strategy, performance evaluation, human talent


The purpose of this article is to analyse the contributions of project management methodologies as a strategy for performance evaluation, human talent development, and company competitiveness. PMBOK, ISO21500, PRINCE2, Prism and SCRUM guidelines and standards are reviewed for this research. As regards methodology, this is an exploratory study designed as an essay with a qualitative approach using a documentary method. The main results show that project management has the potential to facilitate performance and management evaluation. This is accomplished, firstly, by optimizing supervision through leadership and teamwork in close contact with an appropriate project manager; secondly, by improving the execution and structured operations of the project within time and budget limits, setting a plan with clear objectives and dependency on tasks; and thirdly, by fostering the control and ongoing performance improvement, since project management seeks the suitability of people for certain tasks and a constant review of knowledge, skills, as well as the lessons learned from previous experience. The use of project management methodologies facilitates the optimal development of human talent, valuing the achievement of not only organizational objectives but also personal objectives and their motivational elements; hence, the importance of applying project management in organizations.


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Author Biography

Héctor Canossa Montes de Oca, Ciencias Administrativas. Universidad Técnica Nacional. Costa Rica

Licenciado en Dirección de Empresas, Universidad de Costa Rica. Licenciado en Administración de Negocios con énfasis en Banca y Finanzas, Universidad de San José. Posgrado en Especialización en Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos. Máster en Administración de Negocios con los énfasis en Mercadeo, Recursos Humanos y Finanzas de la Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología. Actualmente es profesor en la Universidad Técnica Nacional, la Universidad Nacional y como profesor de posgrado en el Tecnológico de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Canossa Montes de Oca, H. (2021). Project Management as a Strategy for the performance evaluation of human talent in companies. Ciencias Administrativas, (19), 12.


