Study of the supply chain of recycled paper and cardboard in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador




supply chain, criteria, raw material, recycling


This article focuses on recycling as a development engine for the actors in this industry, emphasizing those who take part in the paper and cardboard supply chain in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The methodology applied, with a cross-sectional, non-experimental, quantitative-inductive character, aims to use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method (Saaty, 1980) which involves criteria adapted to realities and particularities in the paper industry supply chain. Finally, this result allows us to select criteria, for future evaluations of an efficient management of the supply chain in relation to managerial decision making.


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Author Biographies

Edisson Santiago Cajamarca Cajamarca, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador.

Specialized research technician at the Research Department of the University of Cuenca, commercial engineer with research experience in inclusive business, management models and process optimization, solid waste management, management and coordination of work teams. Author of academic articles published by indexed journals. 

José Santiago Jimbo Dias, University of Cuenca

Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of the University of Cuenca, Industrial Engineer, Master in Business Administration, PhD Candidate in Administration at the National University of Rosario - Argentina. Author of scientific articles related to the topic of research, has directed graduate and postgraduate theses related to Inclusive Business and Recycling and Business Administration.

Sandra Daniela Cabrera Chalco, Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador.

Research assistant at Universidad de Cuenca, commercial engineer with experience in process optimization, solid waste management and cardboard supply chains in Ecuador. 


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How to Cite

Cajamarca Cajamarca, E. S., Jimbo Dias, J. S. ., & Cabrera Chalco, S. D. . (2022). Study of the supply chain of recycled paper and cardboard in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. Ciencias Administrativas, (20), 106.