Competitive production systems through the implementation of the Lean Manufacturing tool
Competitiveness, Lean manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing, production system, Continuous improvement, quality., Productivity, SystemAbstract
The present research project aims to analyze the impact on continuous improvement and optimization of a production system through the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tool, as well as the changes that are generated in different companies through an instrument, this is achieved by using different methods and research techniques, such as document review of different literature, documentary analysis and data collection. Within the results tables and figures are obtained showing the efficiency of this tool, which verifies its validity by means of existing cases where it was implemented, in addition, relevant information that could be used as basis in the companies that did not opt for its application.
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Additional Files
- Archivo xml (Español (España))
- Tabla 1. Descripción de variables e indicadores (Español (España))
- Figura 1. Principales herramientas de Lean Manufacturing (Español (España))
- Tabla 2. Diseño de la Investigación (Español (España))
- Figura 2. Constructo de investigación (Español (España))
- Figura 3. Principales causas del Fracaso en las empresas en México (Español (España))
- Figura 4. Beneficios obtenidos por la implantación de Lean Manufacturing (Español (España))
- Figura 5. Motivos para implementar Lean Manufacturing (Español (España))
- Figura 6. Retos (Español (España))
- Figura 7. Razones para No implementar Lean Manufacturing (Español (España))
- Figura 8. Creación de Valor (Español (España))
- Figura 9. Actividades que agregan valor (Español (España))
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