Method to evaluate the organizational climate of the teaching area of a technological bachelor center of Obregon, Sonora


  • Alberto Cota Luevano Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. México.



Evaluation, Organizational Climate, Performance


The organizational climate is a set of perceptions that individuals have of a company and its environment, regardless of how others perceive it, therefore, is more of an individual dimension than of the organization. For this reason, is important to know the teachers thought about the organizational climate, because this affects different factors such as physiological, psychological, social and economic, in addition to having material needs, they also need to feel involved in a comfortable environment in order to work optimally. All of them, may have all the necessary skills to perfectly meet the requirements of the position, but if they are not in a pleasant environment, will not achieve their potential. This is the reason why, an organizational climate survey was carried out, designed by the author Likert, and modified for the previously evaluation of the administrative staff of the Scholastic Records Department, of the Technological Institute of Sonora. The questionnaire was designed with 21 questions and was applied to 40 teachers of the Technological Bachelor Center of Cd. Obregon. After the implementation a report was made where the results and the opportunities of improvement where found, the application method to evaluate the organizational climate, is considered an effective tool to improve the employees performance.


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Author Biography

Alberto Cota Luevano, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. México.

Maestro Auxiliar del Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas, del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora.

Doctor en Administración Educativa del Instituto Pedagógico de Posgrado del Estado de Sonora. Cédula en Trámite.

Maestro en Desarrollo y Gestión Organizacional del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. No. De Cédula 2254.

Licenciado en Administración No. De Cédula 440, del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora.


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How to Cite

Luevano, A. C. (2017). Method to evaluate the organizational climate of the teaching area of a technological bachelor center of Obregon, Sonora. Ciencias Administrativas, (10), 010.



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