Innovation in the commecial area through the management of experiences


  • Fernando Rogelio Simonato Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.



Marketing, managment, esperiences


The present essay aims to present a proposal for the management of the commercial area through the elaboration and generation of experiences with the creation of value in the markets that the organizations serve. An analysis of the function of commercial management is made describing the type of innovation culture that prevails in the companies that manage the experiences. The ambidextrous structures in organizations are discussed, and the influence and impact of the exploration functions in the commercial management when they create and manage different types of experiences. It includes the theme within the business model. It describes the dynamic capabilities needed by business managers who manage experiences. We observe the importance of the analysis and management of emotions in the co-creation of experiences. New types of hybrid experiences are introduced in the world by important companies. The results of the first research on visitor experiences in Argentinean museums and a description of the type of buyer called “experiential” of the Latin American retail industry.


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Author Biography

Fernando Rogelio Simonato, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.

Master en Marketing Internacional de la Universidad de Reutlingen-Alemania y la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina (2004).

Master in Business Administration (MBA) del Braniff Graduaste School of Management, University of Texas, at Dallas, USA (1999).

Contador Público Nacional de la UNLP, Argentina (1989).  

Posee estudios de Comportamiento del Consumidor y Análisis Multivariado en las Universidades de Buenos Aires, Ides y la Universidad de Wisconsin, USA (1993-1997).

Profesor titular ordinario de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Profesor de postgrado visitante en varias maestrias: UNLP y  Universidad Catolica de Cordoba (Argentina); Universidad Privada del Valle (Bolivia); Universidad Nacional de Guayaquil (Ecuador); Universidad APEC (Republica Dominicana); Universidad de Piura (Perú).

Subdirector de la Escuela de Postrado de Marketing Internacional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

Miembro de la American Marketing Association (AMA) desde 2000 a la fecha.

Es miembro del Centro de Economia y Cultura de la Escuela de Economía de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina (UCA).

Autor del libro "Marketing de Fidelizacion". Editorial Pearson, 2012; y Coautor de "Estrategias de Consumo de los Millennialls". Editorial Academica Española, 2017.



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How to Cite

Simonato, F. R. (2018). Innovation in the commecial area through the management of experiences. Ciencias Administrativas, (11), 019.


