Bibliographic review on organizational sustainability and ethics: Relevant actors
business ethics; socio-ecological system; sustainability.Abstract
Ethics and its replications in management, through concepts such as business ethics, is considered a valid instrument for analyzing and interpreting the social perspective of an organization within the framework of sustainability.
This article reviews the state of the art of sustainability and ethics in organizations, to understand their applicability in management and identify the relevant actors. For this purpose, a literature review methodology of thirty-eight publications that deal with these topics from various disciplines is used.
The finding of the analysis indicates that the organization´s view as socio-ecological systems promotes values based on ethics and is an alternative approach to organizational sustainability. From this conception, the social, environmental and economic actors that have an interest or are affected by the action or inaction of a company -the stakeholders- hold a special interest and prestige, since the bases of the relations between the social and the environmental is what subsequently impacts on the sustainability or unsustainability of a system.
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- Archivo xml (Español (España))
- Tabla 1: Publicaciones seleccionadas en la muestra (Español (España))
- Tabla 2: Distribución de publicaciones seleccionadas según periodo (Español (España))
- Tabla 3: Distribución de publicaciones seleccionadas según tipo de publicación (Español (España))
- Tabla 4: Grandes áreas de incumbencia de las publicaciones elegidas (Español (España))
- Figura 1: Triple Bottom Line (Español (España))
- Figura 2: Transdisciplinas de la ciencia de la sustentabilidad (Español (España))
- Figura 3: Sistemas socioecológicos, interacciones (Español (España))
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