Vaccines as Social Goods

Will COVID be an opportunity for a comprehensive strategy?


  • Dora Corvalán



vaccines, Social Goods, pharmaceutical multinationals, local production of vaccines


Argentina went from having one of the most complete National Vaccination Calendars in the world to having in recent years a shortage of vaccines to assist the population. This work analyzes, on the one hand, the changes that have occurred in the production of vaccines at an international level, with the monopoly consolidation of a group of multinational pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, the situation in Argentina is described, its interrelation with the international market and the actors involved. A comprehensive strategy is proposed to address the development and production of vaccines, taking advantage of the experience and scientific and technological capacities the country counts with. Some recommendations are suggested in relation to the global vaccine market and the emergence of COVID and a series of questions are left open to be solved  in order to achieve access to this social good for the entire population.


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How to Cite

Corvalán, D. . (2020). Vaccines as Social Goods : Will COVID be an opportunity for a comprehensive strategy?. Science, Technology & Policy, 3(5), 047.