Technological styles and autonomous development

The Y-TEC case


  • Eduardo Dvorkin



Y-TEC, Technological styles, Autonomous technological development, Inclusive development


The concept of Technological Style proposed by Oscar Varsavsky and its necessary coupling with the hegemonic national objectives in society is revisited. It is proposed that the technological style associated with the national model of inclusive development is the one that promotes autonomous technological development, linking the participation of the State, SMEs and the national science and technology system. Within this framework, the priorities of the technology sector should be to promote the creation of new quality jobs, make the export of technologically complex products and services with high added value feasible, and minimize foreign exchange spending. With these concepts, their application to the specific case of Y-TEC (YPF Tecnología) is discussed.


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How to Cite

Dvorkin, E. . (2021). Technological styles and autonomous development: The Y-TEC case. Science, Technology & Policy, 4(6), 053.