Challenges for scientific research on the continental platform Argentina
argentine continental shelf,, seabed,, sovereignty,, blue hole, marine protected areasAbstract
The challenges and opportunities generated from the delimitation of the new outer limits of the Argentine Continental Shelf are presented. In this context, the development of an active policy of scientific research focused on the benthic environment is proposed, due to the impact it would have on the reaffirmation of national sovereignty and on the development of productive activities. It is proposed to prioritize those areas where there are currently problematic activities for our country, and where better scientific information is needed, both to exploit strategic resources, and to install biodiversity conservation tools, such as Marine Protected Areas. For this reason, the Blue Hole sector is proposed, which includes both the sector within the Argentine Exclusive Economic Zone and the adjacent area on the high seas, as the main immediate objective for investigations of aspects related to benthic ecology and associated oceanographic and fishing studies
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