Agrogenética Riojana: Opportunities and challenges of a provincial public company
Agrogenética Riojana SAPEM, Public enterprises, La Rioja, NOA, agrogeneticAbstract
This paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by a public company with a majority shareholding of the State located in the province of La Rioja, in northwestern Argentina, for the production of traditional and advanced technology. The company, Agrogenética Riojana SAPEM, created in 2009 by the provincial government, developed resources and capabilities that position it today as a productive, technological and business reference for the production and multiplication of olive, tomato and pepper seedlings, as well as for the provision of services to producers in the province. However, it has not yet managed to advance in processes of greater biotechnological complexity, due not only to internal limitations of the firm and the sector itself, but also to weaknesses inherent to the productive and scientific-technological development of the region.
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