Clementina XXI and supercomputing in Argentina


  • Raul Carnota Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina



supercomputers, history of computing, computing in Argentina, high performance computing


Argentina recently entered the TOP500 ranking of countries with the most powerful supercomputers on the planet, with the installation and start-up of the Clementina XXI. Installed in the Data Center of the National Meteorological Service, it will become the most important machine for public and open use in South America. This article describes the main characteristics of this equipment and the context in which it was acquired. It also presents a brief historical overview of the development of academic computing in Argentina and of the capabilities and experience acquired in high performance computing. Finally, some of the challenges that arise in the current context of the country are discussed.


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Carnota, R. y Perez, M. (2009). Continuidad formal y ruptura real: la segunda vida de Clementina. En J. Aguirre y R. Carnota (Comps.), Historia de la Informática en América Latina y el Caribe: Investigaciones y Testimonios (pp.119-139). UniRío Editora.

Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. (2010). Sistema Nacional de Computación de Alto Desempeño (SNCAD). Resolución 901/10.

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología. (2019). Plan Estratégico para la Computación de Alto Desempeño en Argentina 2019-2024 (1.0). Resolución 2019-80-APN-SECACT#MECCYT.

Sociedad Argentina de Cálculo. (1960). Noticias del país: Instituto de Cálculo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Cálculo, 1(1), 8.



How to Cite

Carnota, R. (2024). Clementina XXI and supercomputing in Argentina. Science, Technology & Policy, 7(12), 117.



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