Women and science

Obstacles and challenges to achieve gender equity


  • Ana María Franchi




Women in science and technology, scientists, gender stereotypes in S&T, science and gender, inequalities in S&T


Although women are the majority among researchers in our country, they are underrepresented in the higher categories and in decision-making positions in scientific institutions and universities. Although in recent years some measures have been taken to facilitate the compatibility between professional and personal/family life, the scientific and university sector is still not prepared to support the academic development of women. However, this is not the only obstacle to overcome, gender stereotypes largely explain the barriers women face for their permanence and promotion. The visibility of these difficulties and the awareness of them by women themselves is, without doubt, the beginning of change. An overview of this situation is presented and some measures are proposed to promote equal opportunities between women and men, which should be a priority for the institutions of the sector


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How to Cite

Franchi, A. M. (2019). Women and science: Obstacles and challenges to achieve gender equity. Science, Technology & Policy, 2(3), 026. https://doi.org/10.24215/26183188e026