Scientific-technological cooperation between Argentina and Cuba in vaccines and drugs (2009-2015)


  • María Paz López



international cooperation, science and technology, Argentina, Cuba, biotechnology


Scientific-technological cooperation (S&T) in Argentina at the beginning of the 21st century is discussed. In particular, bilateral cooperation with Cuba, from the creation of the Argentine Cuban Center in Biotechnology applied to the Development of Vaccines and Drugs (CACBVaF), and the activity it carried out between 2009 and 2015. The formal framework for the creation of the Center is described in detail, the development of joint projects and the scope and limitations of this initiative. Among the conclusions, on the one hand, the importance of understanding international cooperation in S&T as a public policy tool to contribute to the objectives of the outlined country project is highlighted. On the other hand, the relevance of promoting S&T cooperation with Latin American countries to promote more horizontal and complementary relationships that address local problems, promote links with extra-scientific actors and that aim to improve the development and quality of life of the population in our region.


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How to Cite

López, M. P. . (2020). Scientific-technological cooperation between Argentina and Cuba in vaccines and drugs (2009-2015). Science, Technology & Policy, 3(4), 038.