The Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF): History and Present


  • Pablo Guillermo Bolcatto Presidente del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa (CITEDEF).



CITEDEF, national defense, critical technologies, technological sovereignty


The Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF) is an organization with an essential role in the development of critical technologies for Argentina. Since its creation in 1954, it has been mainly dedicated to meet the requirements of the Armed Forces, but it has also generated many projects aimed at society as a whole, with benefits reaching the entire population. This article presents an historic overview of the Institute since its beginnings to its current situation, highlighting its most important accomplishments, its performance in contexts of national emergency (such as the Malvinas War or the COVID-19 pandemic), its main active projects, and its projections into the future.


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How to Cite

Bolcatto, P. G. (2023). The Institute of Scientific and Technical Research for Defense (CITEDEF): History and Present. Science, Technology & Policy, 6(10), 095.