Educational work at a University of Bicentenary: teaching scope and strategies for the strengthening of student academic paths




educational work, university, curricula teaching, tutorial clases


This article advances on the featuring of educational work at a University of Bicentenary: the University of José C. Paz. Based on a socioanthropological or etnographic stand, the paper documents manners of interaction, atmospheres and ways in which students are expected to work the contents in two different institutional areas: a) a workshop on Studying Methodology, optional subject in the Social Work career; b) a subject making part of the main line of the Social Work Career curricula. The analytic description of teaching processes in such areas, the how-to, shows interesting dynamics of  production of commitment and legitimacy that appear to be strengthening educational worker strategies by helping students to get increasingly involved in university life.


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How to Cite

Petrelli, L. (2021). Educational work at a University of Bicentenary: teaching scope and strategies for the strengthening of student academic paths. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 060.