Relationship of FAMACHA© degree, body score and age on daily milk production of Saanen goats in Buenos Aires province
goats, dairy production, anemia, body reserve, ArgentinaAbstract
The objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship of the FAMACHA© grade, body condition score (BCS) and age with the daily milk production of Saanen goats, from two dairy farms of Buenos Aires province. A total of 318 Saanen goats were evaluated in the second third of lactation. Daily milk volume (L) was measured during mechanical milking twice a day. Goats were categorized according to FAMACHA© in Acceptable (n=56, grades 1 and 2), Intermediate (n=178, grade 3) and Risky (n=84, grades 4 and 5); according to BCS in Skinny (n=158, ≤2.75 points), Good (n=153, 3 to 3.75 points) and Obese (n=7, ≥4 points); and according to age in Young (n=99, <2 years), Adult 1 (n=142, 3-4 years) and Adult 2 (n=77, ≥5 years). Daily milk production was higher in goats of the Acceptable and Intermediate, Good, and Adult 1 groups. The goats categorized Risky and Skinny (n=54; 1.353 L) produced significantly less milk than the rest of the population (n=264; 1.753 L), and those categorized Acceptable and Good produced 19.2 % more. Dairy production in Saanen goats may be optimized by sanitary and nutritional improvements based on routinary use of FAMACHA© and BCS evaluations.
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