International Policy of Brazil, construction of the area South American and transition of the International System


  • Lincoln Bizzozero Revelez Universidad de La República, Uruguay



Brazil, International System, UNASUR, Governance


The article presents the prospects and limitations of Brazilian international policy in the transition of the international system. To this effect we start from a conceptual and methodological framework to analyze the transition, starting from the changes that took place in the 1990´s of the last century (end of the bipolar system and expansion of capitalism). It introduces four analytical levels: the balance of power, the operating principles of the international system, the construction of a national-regional governance, and the systemic conditioning. Brazilian international system is discussed from these four analytical levels. The paper analyzes the limits and perspectives that generate the various initiatives driven by Brazil. Including South American regional building and emphazises the importance of the contents assigned to the various regional players.


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Author Biography

Lincoln Bizzozero Revelez, Universidad de La República, Uruguay

Doctor en Ciencia Política por de la Universidad Libre de Bruselas. Profesor del Instituto Artigas de Servicio Exterior en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Investigador del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores en Uruguay. Coordinador del Programa en Estudios Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República. E-mail:



How to Cite

Bizzozero Revelez, L. (2011). International Policy of Brazil, construction of the area South American and transition of the International System. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (23), 1–22. - 22