Analysis of credit application systems to access agricultural investment in marginalized and isolated rural communities in Latin America
donation, Micro credit, Marginal and isolated areas, Food safetyAbstract
The Marginalized and Isolated Communities (MIC) in Latin America present similar challenges that are difficult to approach from an integral perspective as region for it is absent partly of the necessary instruments. In case of the food insecurity, one of the fundamental reasons in the MIC is the lack of inputs and suitable tools, to which they have access well across the donation or the credit. The condition of marginalization and isolation invites to choosing for the credit, on having become indispensable to possess sustainable interventions for the minimal attention that this kind of communities receives from the public authorities and the cooperation to the development. The most popular methodologies to accede to the credits in the MIC are the credit line, the Programs of Solidary Groups, and the Financial Local Structures (FLE) or communal banks. After the analysis realized in this article, we conclude that the FLE or communal banks is the methodology capable of throwing better results.
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