Profile, motivation and satisfaction of the tourist visitor: The case of Cuenca, a world heritage city
tourism, psychology, motivation, satisfaction, segmentationAbstract
Tourism is a driving force for the economy of Cuenca, Spain. Nevertheless, depopulation is restraining its development. One possible measure to reactivate touristic activity involves the segmentation of visitors into defined groups in order to offer services and products according to visitors’ interests and needs. This research aims to know the visitors’ profile based on their sociodemographic data, their trip characteristics and, particularly, their motivations. In addition, this research examines the visitors’ satisfaction and its relationship to their trip motivations. To this end, two questionnaires were developed and distributed to visitors. The obtained data was analysed through the SPSS statistical software. Results encourage the use of motivation as a segmentation criterion along with the collection of visitors’ sociodemographic data and trip characteristics. This research also proves that tourist satisfaction is related to visitors’ motivations, except for the ‘general satisfiers’. In addition, it is found that tourism promotion needs to be orientated towards potential sources of visitors through the Internet, bearing in mind the importance of the image of the destination.
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