The role of tourists in the dispute over discourses on the indigenous past

The Case of Quilmes (Tucumán, Argentina)


  • Sandra Tolosa Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET – IDAES. Universidad Nacional de San Martín.



passado indígena, política, território, turismo


In this article, the role of tourism in the replication of narratives about the indigenous past is discussed, based on the case of the Sacred City of Quilmes (Tucumán, Argentina), which has been part of the tourist circuit of the Calchaquí Valleys since its reconstruction during the de facto government. After years of private use, its recovery by the Quilmes Indian Community in 2008 produced a work of revision and reconstruction of its own narratives about the past and the present, which showed a profound interweaving among the material past, identity, communality, and territory. Subsequently, a new advance of the provincial state’s commercial tourism plan on the site reformulated these narratives and displaced several meanings that the Community had highlighted. Based on field material and a review of newspaper articles about this process, I will ask myself about the role of tourists in this process.
If they drive the tourist market as consumers, is it possible to consider them —beyond their economic importance— as a set of possible vectors for the dissemination of narratives and, therefore, as “resources” for the political construction of communities in territorial struggle? And if so, how are they contested by the state agency?


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Author Biography

Sandra Tolosa, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET – IDAES. Universidad Nacional de San Martín.

PhD in Social Anthropology and Professor of Anthropological Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires. Postdoctoral fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina, at the Institute of High Social Studies of the National University of San Martín. She is a member of the research team "Antropología del Indigenismo y la Política Indígena" and the Chair of Systematic Anthropology III (Symbolic Systems), at the Institute of Anthropological Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires; among other research teams.
She has researched the material construction of the so-called "archaeological heritage" of the southern Calchaquí Valleys from 1870 to the present, focusing on the mechanisms of inequality in local indigenous communities. She has published several articles on indigenous peoples and academic practices about their past. She is currently researching the dynamics of production and management of local museum spaces as nuclei for the construction of sociability, communality and identity, their relationship with state and academic policies of patrimonial control and with processes of touristification of the indigenous territory.



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How to Cite

Tolosa, S. (2021). The role of tourists in the dispute over discourses on the indigenous past: The Case of Quilmes (Tucumán, Argentina). Ayana. Revista De Investigación En Turismo, 2(1), 013.