El impacto de la situación socio económica y política del país en las familias


  • Manuela G. González Instituto de Cultura Jurídica.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP.


In order  to explain  the complex relationship between families and the Law since the establishment of Family Law Courts in the 90 s ;  it is necessary to analyse the social, economical and political situation of the country. From our point of view, it is impossible to isolate families and law from their social context. Therefore, this article  focuses on  the social reality in Argentina from the beginning of the National Armed Forces Dictatorship (1976) up to the present moment and its impact in families and in Law

Throughout this period, which encompasses a bit more than thirty years,  a new liberal model was imposed on a  marginal third world country,  fully drawing the country into the global world. The consequences  were not only seen in the economical aspects of life but every where: Families and the legal field  as “crucial” social events were also involved.

As Castel (2004) has pointed out, appealing to law is the only solution which has been found, up to now,  to avoid the philantropic or paternalistic practices, where there is a red line which should not be trespassed if what we expect is that everyone can belong to a society of equals. Apparently, Family Law Courts have been unable to find effective strategies to meet the new demands which arise from the new realities which these families are facing.


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Author Biography

Manuela G. González, Instituto de Cultura Jurídica.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP.

Abogada (UBA) -Lic. en Sociología y Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas. Docente-Investigadora Cat. II Adjunta Ordinaria Sociología Jurídica. Directora Instituto de Cultura Jurídica- Coordinadora Maestría Sociología Jurídica. (FCJyS UNLP)


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How to Cite

González, M. G. . (2021). El impacto de la situación socio económica y política del país en las familias. Law and Social Sciences, (1), 71–90. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/dcs/article/view/11299