The audience commodity in the age of platforms


  • Julián Mónaco Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales (UNSAM) - CONICET



platforms, big data, cognitive capitalism, personalization, audiences


Among the main characteristics of contemporary capitalism is the fact that a set of technology and information corporations occupy the first positions among the most lucrative firms in the world. In particular, Alphabet and Meta stand out among the big techs because, despite their large size and the vast number of projects they develop, the bulk of their profits come from advertising. That is why Nick Srnicek (2018) refers to them as paradigmatic cases of advertising platforms. If the platforms appear as “key business model[s] to extract and control data” (idem, p. 49), they, in particular, use them to sell ultra-segmented advertising space to advertisers.

In 1977, Dallas Smythe (1983) wrote that critical studies tend to think of communication based on the ideological content of messages and that this type of perspective misses the question —central to a critique of the political economy of communication— by the economic function of the different actors in the industry of consciousness and, more specifically, by the form of commodity they produce. His key idea is that although the media manufacture information and entertainment, they only do so as an intermediate step in producing the main commodity: audiences. The objective of this paper is to return to this perspective now in the framework of platform capitalism: how do companies like Alphabet and Meta produce audience commodity? In particular, we are interested in capturing how it is that these firms overcome the limits that traditional media encountered when manufacturing audiences in the 20th century. What role does the so-called “data extractivism” (idem) play here? Is this metaphor entirely adequate to elaborate a critique of the political economy of platforms?


Author Biography

Julián Mónaco, Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales (UNSAM) - CONICET

Licenciado y profesor en Ciencias de la Comunicación, magíster en Comunicación y Cultura y doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Además, completó un diploma en Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías (FLACSO). Se desempeña como becario doctoral del CONICET con sede en la Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales (UNSAM). Su proyecto de investigación se titula “El gobierno de los públicos: la publicidad y el marketing en la era de los big data”. También es docente del Seminario de Informática y Sociedad (Cátedra Ferrer) en la Carrera de Comunicación (UBA) e integra el proyecto UBACyT “Big Data, algoritmos y plataformas: las nuevas formas de gubernamentalidad a la luz de la teoría de lo transindividual de G. Simondon”, dirigido por Flavia Costa y Pablo Rodríguez.


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How to Cite

Mónaco, J. (2022). The audience commodity in the age of platforms. Hipertextos, 10(18), 058.


