Mass transfer, volumetric expansion, and inactivation of antinutritional factors during soybean soaking




soybean, soaking, mathematical modelling, inactivation, Trypsin


Soaking is an essential step in the preparation of soybeans prior to consumption. The objectives of this study were to investigate the kinetics of soybean soaking and to evaluate the effect of temperature on trypsin inhibitors. The experiments involved soaking soybeans in a thermostatic bath at different temperatures, ranging from 20 to 80°C, and taking samples between 0 and 300 minutes. For mathematical modeling, a non-steady-state mass balance was proposed, considering a variable diffusion coefficient and volumetric expansion through a correlation between radius and moisture content. The inactivation of antinutritional factors was determined using an enzymatic method. The results showed a significant increase in the volume of the grains (approximately 2.5 times) and a satisfactory fitting of the model to the experimental data. Most treatments reached moisture equilibrium after 200 minutes, except at 20°C. Regarding inhibitors, only the treatment at 80°C showed a significant reduction. The treatment at 40°C for 200 minutes was selected as the most appropriate. The results obtained can be valuable information for the design and optimization of soaking processes.



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