Management of biological anthropology collections of the Museum of La Plata


  • Mariano C. Del Papa
  • Héctor M. Pucciarelli


In recent years, the approach to the relationship between anthropology and its subjects of interest has been noticeably modified. These transformations, which can be seen as the development of a new paradigm, highlight the existence of a new signification in the relationship between the different actors involved. Thus, the researcher is faced with the challenge of developing creative approaches with a sustainable line of research, and without detriment to the different actors in question. In this context, the anthropological collections –which remain in the guard of different museums and whose constitutive nature is diverse– have a great potential as pieces of evidence. Achieving an adequate treatment of the evidence will depend in great measure on the suggested administrative protocol.

Keywords: administration; Museum of La Plata; human remains; indigenous communities


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How to Cite

Del Papa, M. C., & Pucciarelli, H. M. (2015). Management of biological anthropology collections of the Museum of La Plata. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 17(2). Retrieved from




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