Gap between theory and interpretation of internal corporate social responsibility by human resources management professionals




internal corporate social responsibility, professionals, human resources management


Since human resources management professionals play a main role in the application of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility, it is of scientific and practical interest to know how they interpret this concept. A theoretical interpretation of the concept has been developed by reviewing academic publications and a battery of indicators has been built to measure it. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of members of a human resources management professionals in Uruguay. We found that among these professionals different ways of interpreting Internal Corporate Social Responsibility coexist, and that an important part of them interpret it differently from the theoretical interpretation adopted. Given that numerous investigations on Internal Corporate Social Responsibility are based on the judgment of these professionals, we concluded that it is necessary to include their interpretation of the concept as a control variable. In addition, we considered pertinent to evaluate the theoretical education that these professionals receive on this subject at universities.


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Author Biography

Oscar Daniel Licandro Goldaracena, Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social de las Organizaciones. Universidad CLAEH. Uruguay.

He has a degree in Sociology (University of the Republic - Uruguay), a Master of International Management (Saint Thomas University - USA) and a Doctorate of Administration (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina). He is a teacher, researcher and coordinator of the Cathedra of Social Responsibility of Organizations of the CLAEH University, Uruguay. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business, Universidad del Pacífico de Perú, the scientific committee of the journal Ciencias Administrativas of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and the scientific committee of the journal Economics CUC of the University of the Coast, Barranquilla, Colombia. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Research Network on Organizational Studies in Latin America, the Caribbean and Ibero-America (REOALCeI) and is the representative in Uruguay of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM). He coordinates the system of indicators on CSR (IRSE) of the Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE) of Uruguay. He is the author of articles published in international scientific journals and in countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Spain, Lithuania, Mexico, Peru, Switzerland and Venezuela. He has also published books, book chapters, and multiple articles in popular magazines. He has given lectures that took place in Latin American and European countries. He has served as a consultant for companies and for various international organizations (IDB, UNESCO, UNDP, IOM and CEPAL).


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How to Cite

Licandro Goldaracena, O. D. (2022). Gap between theory and interpretation of internal corporate social responsibility by human resources management professionals. Ciencias Administrativas, (21), 113.



Scientific Articles