Justice perception and its moderating effect on the identity and organizational commitment in the family businesses: Theoretical assumptions development
family business, identity, commitment, justice perceptionsAbstract
This work is a documentary research based on four (4) theoretical lines: The family business, organizational identity, commitment and justice. Its objective is to examine the moderating effect of justice perceptions that family business employees have on their identity and organizational commitment, so as to generate theoretical assumptions which should be the theoretical basis for future work with these variables and dimensions. Three (3) theoretical assumptions were developed that try to explain the greater identity that family members have with respect to non-family employees, and the effect that organizational identity has on the three dimensions of organizational commitment and, finally, the mediation that exercises the organizational justice perception in its three (3) dimensions on the identity and commitment variables. It is concluded that the influence of justice perceptions can cause commitment and identity levels in a differentiated way, that is, it is possible that there is organizational commitment regardless of the identification levels, when justice perceptions are high.
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