Competitiveness in Micro-,Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSME) led by women in México city
competitiveness, MSMEs, women.Abstract
The objective of this paper was to characterize the factors that determine the competitiveness of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) led by women. A questionnaire was designed and applied to 272 businesswomen in Mexico City. The main findings were: companies run by women are micro-sized, they focus on services and trade, and they have no legal personality nor use any technological tools; however, they are able to identify business opportunities and boost their businesses with their own and their family’s savings, reinvesting the profits. More than half of them consider that, although their income is insufficient, their business is not at risk.
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- Archivo xml (Español (España))
- Tabla 1. Factores que influyen (Español (España))
- Tabla 2. Cuestionario (Español (España))
- Gráfico 1. Tipo de oportunidades de negocio (Español (España))
- Tabla 3. Uso de tecnologías (Español (España))
- Gráfico 2. Origen del capital de la empresa (Español (España))
- Gráfico 3. Uso del capital aportado (Español (España))
- Gráfico 4. Riesgo del negocio (Español (España))
- Tabla 4. Factores que afectan a la empresa (Español (España))
- Gráfico 5. Crecimiento del sector donde opera la empresa (Español (España))
- Tabla 5. Metas a alcanzar en la empresa (Español (España))
- Tabla 6. Nivel de estudios y usos de tecnologías (Español (España))
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