What can we learn from China in science and technology policy?


  • María José Haro Sly
  • Santiago Liaudat




China, Argentina, science and technology policy, Latin America, history of science policy in China


The People's Republic of China went in a few decades from being a peripheral country to being the second world economic, scientific and technological power. Among other factors to explain this rapid rise on the global scene, the decisions regarding science, technology and innovation policy stand out. This article analyzes, first of all, the role that science and technology policies had in recent Chinese history from a periodization around the main milestones from the 1949 revolution to the present. Second, from the Chinese experience, some lessons are drawn that may be relevant for the formulation of science and technology policies in the Argentine and Latin American context.


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How to Cite

Haro Sly, M. J., & Liaudat, S. . (2021). What can we learn from China in science and technology policy?. Science, Technology & Policy, 4(6), 052. https://doi.org/10.24215/26183188e052