Historical overview of the development of nuclear power in Argentina
nuclear policy, nuclear power, CAREM Project, autonomous developmentAbstract
Argentina is one of the few countries that began early, in 1949, a relevant nuclear activity for peaceful purposes, developing its own scientific and technological capabilities in this field. Despite a complex journey, characterized by state policies of push and pull, national nuclear development has managed to achieve a leadership position in the region. Among his most outstanding achievements we can mention the construction of research reactors, the obtaining and production of nuclear fuel for its operation and the control of the fuel cycle, the construction of nuclear power plants for the generation of electrical energy, the development of medicine nuclear, the creation of technology-based companies such as INVAP SE and the development, with the CAREM Project, of modular low-power nuclear reactors fully designed and built in the country. This paper provides a historical overview of the evolution of nuclear activities in our country and of the policies that made it possible to consolidate a local productive network with capacities to generate autonomous technological developments.
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