"To criticize the rhetoric of technoscience does not imply being anti-science, but conceiving a science for a different society"

Interview with Silvio Funtowicz


  • Silvio Funtowicz Centro para el Estudio de las Ciencias y las Humanidades (SVT) de la Universidad de Bergen (Noruega)
  • Santiago Liaudat Laboratorio de Estudios en Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




post-normal science, technoscience, critical epistemology, complexity, uncertainty


We interview Silvio Funtowicz, philosopher of science born in Argentina who developed the category of post-normal science as a way of understanding the links between science and politics in contexts of uncertainty and complexity. This is one of the most relevant critical epistemologies of the last decades, with theoretical innovations such as extended peer community, his emphasis on the quality of knowledge (rather than its truth value) as an input for decision making, and the quest for a responsible science of anticipation. A graduate in Mathematics from CAECE University, Funtowicz worked as a researcher in scientific institutes in England, the European Commision, and Norway.


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How to Cite

Funtowicz, S., & Liaudat, S. . (2022). "To criticize the rhetoric of technoscience does not imply being anti-science, but conceiving a science for a different society": Interview with Silvio Funtowicz. Science, Technology & Policy, 5(9), 079. https://doi.org/10.24215/26183188e079