Interpretation and ethics in the intervention: Reflections on the notion of emergent in music therapy


  • Natalia Alvarez Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Asociación Argentina de Musicoterapia (ASAM)


interpretation, intervention, emergent, contingency


A reflection on the notion of emergent is presented through two entry ways: one that takes the emergent as a product of the music therapist's interpretation, adopting a position of constant review and critical reflection that understands truth as useful fiction only temporarily ; and another that pursues an ethical stance that considers contingency as a premise to give rise to the uniqueness of the person, from an action strategy that works with uncertainty. By the intersection between the two it is understood what we can consider an ethics of intervention.



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How to Cite

Alvarez, N. (2017). Interpretation and ethics in the intervention: Reflections on the notion of emergent in music therapy. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 2(2), 1–9. Retrieved from



Artículo de Reflexión