Interactions during social dance: the role of the processes of action-perception on participatory sense-making
action-perception, intersubjectivity, participatory sense making, interaction, coordinationAbstract
The paper proposes a study of the interactions in social dance contexts, in which persons coordinate with music, and with other persons, and where the movement is an intrinsic aspect of musical experience. Action-perception processes, built on intersubjetive interactions which people maintain throughout their lives in different cultural contexts, integrate the sense-making of these experiences. Multimodal activity created among participants allows the comunication of personal musical meanings and gives rise to musical participatory sense-making, defined by mutual incorporation between persons. These processes emerge from both face to face interactions and from the dynamics of big groups of persons in social dance situations, whose behavior looks like that of a dynamic system. The analysis of social dance experience by means of the enaction paradigm and the action-perception processes involved, shows that personal sense-making is made and modulated in the course of the intersubjetive bonds created in such interactive context.
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