Thinking about the future around the curriculum




university curriculum, teaching, future, political-pedagogical project


This article aims to pause the daily whirlwind in which the tasks and functions of university teaching and management are resolved. It is an invitation to think about what futures are proposed and/or become possible regarding the curricula in our public universities, and how these are installed or emerge in the voices and concerns of their teachers as subjects of curricular development in the words of Alicia de Alba.

The development of the writing is anchored in the authors' own professional experience in teacher training and management areas in our public university. It is organized into four sections. The first serves as a presentation and contextualization of the theoretical-conceptual positioning assumed by the authors in relation to the field of curriculum. The second poses the university curriculum as an object of intervention, and linked to it, opens the question about the possibilities of future(s) and the different social imaginaries around this idea. The third section sets out a set of future challenges for the curricular projects of our public universities. Finally, some reflections that contribute to thinking about this projection are shared as a closing.


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How to Cite

Lyons, S., & Justianovich, S. (2024). Thinking about the future around the curriculum. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(18), 149.