No. 25 (17): Integration: internal challenges, external perspectives

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The States that constitute an expanded space face as a challenge the conciliation of their national interests with those of the block that they comprise. But it is undeniable that they enter this process with heterogeneities of different types: some are structural and others are based on the policies they adopt for their own development.
It is precisely a category of asymmetries, those related to its productive structure, which studies the work of MARTA BEKERMAN and GONZALO DALMASSO in relation to Argentina and Brazil in MERCOSUR.
Based on the Cooperation Agreement concluded between the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) and the Institute of Latin American Integration (IIL), MARÍA LUCIANA ALI, JUAN I. MIRANDA and LAUTARO M. RAMÍREZ under the coordination of DR. MARCELO HALPERÍN carried out their study on clauses of increased accumulation in the qualification of origin.
KAREN BOCANEGRA addresses an aspect of the external relationship of MERCOSUR, which is the one that originates from the First South America-Arab Countries Summit (ASPA), which took place in 2005.

Published: 2011-12-15