SERVQUAL Model for Measuring Service Quality in Hospitality
Case study
quality, service, measurement, expectations, perceptionsAbstract
The main objective of the study is to apply the SERVQUAL model to measure the quality of service at the Hotel Iberostar Daiquirí, where shortcomings are detected in the internal processes that contribute to dissatisfaction in the different activities offered by the facility. The research methodology is exploratory, correlational, with the application of ANOVA and POST HOC parametric tests for the development of multiple comparisons. The quasi-experimental design composed of 4 work groups and a sample size of 125 people is used. The statistical data package is compiled through the expectations and perceptions variables, where the internal consistency of the implemented scale with a value of 0.818 could be determined by means of the cronbach alpha coefficient. Their findings reveal that Argentine tourists have higher expectations and satisfaction complexity, which allows identifying the dimensions that most affect the service process. As a relevant result, it is shown that the measurement tool is adequate and reliable to evaluate the quality adapted to any hotel environment.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rafael Raúl Silador Utrera, Ana Isabel Utrera Velázquez, Jorge Osmani Dueñas Figueredo, Estefania Elizabet Vargas Alulema

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