Hunting tourism: An approach from the perspective of local social actors in the Southwest of Buenos Aires province (Argentina)
local social actors, tourism product, southwest of Buenos Aires province, hunting tourismAbstract
In recent years, hunting tourism in emerging destinations has become an activity that has acquired notorious characteristics. This is a consequence of the global evolution in tourism supply and demand trends in relation to local territorial dynamics.
Within this framework, the research aims to characterize the sport hunting as a tourism product in the Southwest of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) from the social actors conceptions involved in its development, in order to know the strengths, limitations and trends around the sustainability of the activity. The methodological approach proposes a qualitative-quantitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive scope, which allows to know in an integral way the complex reality referred to the tourism product under analysis.
Based on the results obtained, it appears that hunting tourism in the study area presents characteristics that show the coexistence of patterns typical of the Fordist model together with initiatives of responsible practices. This is reflected in ambivalences that still persist in socio-economic, environmental and legal aspects.
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