Editorial Policies

Broad Commitments

The Editorial Committee of Ayana is committed to working, from its inception, in a double commitment linked to its editorial process. First, and through its Scientific Committee, the aim is to create the conditions for the journal to maintain the main contemporary scientific standards at the international and regional levels. As established by its guidelines and publication rules, it will lead to the evaluation of the work received under the formation of evaluators under the so-called "peer review".It is a double-blind arbitration method, in order to improve the quality and ensure credibility of its work. At the same time, it plans, in the short and medium term, to build an indexing agenda that will allow it to validate, certify and stimulate its visibility.

At the same time, we will work on an informative commitment seeking that scientific quality be accompanied by a policy aimed at improving access to information and facilitating its recovery for the benefit of readers, authors and documentation services. In this context, under no circumstances will there be a fee charge to authors for submission -charges-, processing or publication of articles.In operational terms, Open Journal System (OJS) will be used, which will give visibility to its editorial process and, as regards digital preservation, this journal will have the Institutional Repository of the National University of La Plata (SEDICI). It is a free service created to host, preserve and give visibility to productions. In this framework, they seek to promote accessibility, free and, therefore, it is an ethical commitment.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange.

The acceptance of the manuscript by the journal implies the non simultaneous presentation to other journals or editorial bodies and the non-exclusive assignment of the authors' patrimonial rights in favor of the editor, who allows the reuse, after its edition (postprint), under license of Reconnaissance-Commonplace 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). The work may be shared, copied, distributed, executed and publicly communicated, provided that: a) the authorship and the original source of its publication (magazine, editorial and URL of the work) are cited; and b) if it remixes, transforms or creates from the material, you must broadcast your contributions under the same license as the original.

Likewise, our institution promotes and supports the movement of open access to scientific-academic literature therefore its editions have no charges for the author or the reader (through Diamante), and encourages authors to deposit their contributions in other institutional and thematic repositories, with the certainty that culture and knowledge is good for everyone.


Indexing and Inclusion

 Ayana integrates the following indexes, databases and catalogues:

Latindex Directorio




Google Scholar




Signatory of DORA






Archiving and Self-Archiving Policy

Archiving: the journal uses the LOCKSS system through PKP PN to create a distributed archive among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Self-archiving: the journal allows self-archiving of the post-print version, both in institutional and subject repositories and on authors' personal sites.

Policies registered with AURA.

Preservation Policy

The materials published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the repository of the UNLP. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are performed through the repository. The preservation policies of SEDICI can be consulted at the following link:



Ethics Code

Ayana. Revista de Investigación en Turismo is committed to practicing and ensuring ethical behavior throughout the editing process. Below are the highlights of the ethical commitment of the journal, which derive from the https://publicationethics.org/about.

Publishing entity

- Undertakes to protect the intellectual property of the publication and copyright- Will guarantee an objective, fair and thorough review of the texts based on peer review.

- Commits to deal with complaints or misunderstandings of an ethical or conflict of interest nature and to follow the appropriate procedures to resolve them, according to the regulations established by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


- Commit themselves to continuously improve the publication, to guarantee the quality of the material, to defend freedom of expression, to prevent commercial interests from compromising moral standards, and to publish errata, clarifications, retractions or apologies.

- Encourage feedback from authors, readers, reviewers and board members on how to improve the journal's processes.

- Accept or reject an article on the basis of relevance, originality, clarity of the text and the subject matter of the journal.

- Publish guidelines/standards/guidelines on what is expected of authors and reviewers.

These guidelines will be updated regularly

- Ensure that the identity of reviewers and authors is protected.

- Provide editorial board members with guidelines on what is expected of them.


- Undertake to provide an honest, critical and objective review.

- They will evaluate the papers in the shortest possible time in order to respect the deadlines.

- They will submit a report detailing the observations on the points of the article to be evaluated that the journal's management has requested.

- Under no circumstances will they keep the work or copy it.


- Undertake not to send the article to another journal and guarantee that the work is original and unpublished.

- They will be responsible for the opinions, statements or conclusions they formulate in their texts.

- They undertake to use images whose rights have been transferred or whose authors have granted permission for them to be published.

Mention the author of the image (be it an individual, a group, an institution or a media outlet).

- If archival materials (letters, images, etc.) are used, the author undertakes to mention the original details of the piece or work and the place where it is archived or exhibited.

- They undertake to make any changes or corrections requested by the reviewers.


Anti-plag policy

The policy of the journal is to publish original works, written by those who declare their authorship, and unpublished, may not have been previously published in any printed or electronic media. However, in order to respond to broader issues that are part of plagiarism practices, including translations, fragmentation of results, duplication, among others, the journal implements a specific procedure to avoid it, namely:


  1. At the time of submission of an article, the authors are asked to declare that the article has not been previously published or sent to other journals for evaluation. In addition, they are asked to declare that they are following the Guidelines for Authors, which state that the articles to be submitted must be original.
  2. Upon receiving it, and before starting the evaluation process, the iThenticate - Similarity Check program is used to track other works of the authors/s and compare the title, excerpts from the abstract, the methodological section and the results of the article submitted for review, in order to corroborate originality, detect similarities or any other relevant coincidence. The similarity reports provided by the program are evaluated by the editorial team to determine if it is a potential plagiarism or other significant actions.
  3. When sending it to evaluate peer reviewers, reviewers are also asked to pay attention to possible indicators of plagiarism, since they are the ones who know the sources and literature on the subject.


The journal considers as plagiarism the practices listed and explained below:

  • Direct plagiarism. This type is incurred when:
  1. There is omission of the authorship and it is not indicated with quotes taken from another text.
  2. Minimal changes are made in the text of another (the sentence structure is modified, lowercase letters are replaced by capital letters or vice versa, synonyms are used, etc.) and it is presented as original.
  3. A textual quotation continues to be reproduced once quotation marks have been closed or the previous quotation phrases are omitted.

Plagiarism due to the inappropriate use of paraphrases, is performed when:

Although authorship is noted, the original text is reproduced with a few changes that do not constitute paraphrases.

  1. There is paraphrasing and the reference of the original source is not noted.
  2. The paraphrase is continuous and extensive, no material is added that allows interaction or enriches the information, although the source is mentioned.
  3. Paraphrased passages are not clearly identified as such.

Self-lag is not considered when:

  1. Previous work is the basis for a new contribution, and key parts must be repeated to explain and defend the new arguments.
  2. The author considers that what he has already said cannot be better said for the new publication.

Repetition does not exceed 30% of the original work.

  • The "auto-plagiarism" or recycling fraud, is committed when:


  1. It changes the appearance of a job and presents itself as if it were a different one.
  2. It omits the indication that the work is being recycled, that is, that it is a work previously published but with corrections or new additions.

 Plagiarism is not considered when:

  1. It does not dominate over the work of the writer.
  2.  It is used to allow the author to critically interact with someone else’s views.
  3. The argument of the original text is rewritten in different words.