What interventions can analysts have in the social bond?


  • Marcelo Participante de las actividades de la Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (EOL, Argentina)




symptoms, discourses, culture, psychoanalysis, interpretation


If we analysts are interested in the culture in which we live, it is because it has an impact on analytic practice. The clinic is not impervious to the contemporary state of the culture that disembarks with its dominant discourses on the couches. The theories of malaise depend on the era in which we live. In psychoanalysis, there is no way of being aware of this malaise except through its spokesperson, the symptom, which has always had a formal envelope, a mode of presentation that depends on the Other to whom it refers. The epochs, defined by the predominance of the prevailing discourses, vary. The Victorian era in which Freud founded psychoanalysis is different from the present one: in the former, the tendency was towards the repression of sexual satisfaction, in the latter towards its promotion. If the times change, psychoanalysis is obliged to reconsider its "intervention in the social," and this becomes a subject of permanent debate.


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Author Biography

Marcelo, Participante de las actividades de la Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (EOL, Argentina)

Licenciado en Psicología, UNLP. Docente en la Cátedra de Teoría Psicoanalítica en la Facultad de Psicología en la UNLP desde 1990 hasta 1997. Miembro de la Asociación de Psicoanálisis de La Plata -Biblioteca Freudiana- desde 1992 hasta 2019. Autor de varios artículos publicados en distintas revistas de psicoanálisis y cultura entre 1990 y 2020. Autor de los libros La clínica analítica y las referencias con Presentación de Enrique Acuña (Editorial La Campana, La Plata, 1998), Pasión y encanto en la experiencia analítica (Editorial El Ruiseñor del Plata, La Plata, 2010) y El camino analizante: Un poema escrito en el pentagrama (de próxima publicación).


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How to Cite

Marcelo. (2021). What interventions can analysts have in the social bond?
. Journal of Psychology, 20(2), 144–154. https://doi.org/10.24215/2422572Xe101