Value creation: Its effects on the behavior of electrical panels consumer
quality service, consumer behavior, value creationAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine the impact that value creation has on the behavior of electrical panels consumers . The perspective of this work focuses on the shared value principle. This study is correlational with a quantitative approach. The results indicate a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.490 with a p value of 0.008 <at the 0.05 level of significance, which reveals statistical evidence that allows to indicate that the value creation does impact on the behavior of electrical panels consumers . It is concluded that it is necessary to innovate in order to create value, since it is a factor that influences consumer behavior and their willingness to buy when high quality standards products are offered. This allows organizations to achieve commercial objectives. On the other hand, manufacturers must find ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality, in order to offer attractive products to consumers.
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