Theoretical contributions to organizational management: Developments in the visión of the organization


  • María Nélida Sánchez Bañuelos Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. México.



Organizational change, strategy, Development.


This paper tries to conduct an analysis of organizational theories over time, starting from the paradigm shift proposed by systems theory. This change will focus on the post-modern perspective, likewise is based on the theoretical position of organizational studies, as well as the use of the metaphor of the organism. For which the aim is to make segmentation, where strategy and organizational change according to the appearance of these in time and context in which each one has been submitted. Consequently, this will allow contextualizing the changes that have arisen concerning the perception of the organization and display of the man in it. In order to outline the knowledge provided by the proposed theories and adapt the contexts that addresses each one of them. All this, with the intention to find important factors that supports an evolution theory.


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Author Biography

María Nélida Sánchez Bañuelos, Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. México.

Licenciada en Administración de empresas turísticas. Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas. Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. México.

Instituto de educación sup. Publicas, descenso de México en el Ranking Turistico manejado por OMT

Estudiante de la Maestría en Gestión Organizacional.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Bañuelos, M. N. (2017). Theoretical contributions to organizational management: Developments in the visión of the organization. Ciencias Administrativas, (10), 013.