Editorial Revista Ciencias Administrativas N°11


  • Comite Ejecutivo Revista CADM Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de La Plata


We are glad to introduce the 11th issue of Ciencias Administrativas Journal, corresponding to the period January-June de 2018. This issue includes three research articles and four essays in which authors from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico, address issues related to: Educational Quality, Tourism Economy, Epistemology of Organizations, Business Innovation and Corporate Governance.     

 Additionally, in this opportunity, we want to share a significant achievement for this Journal. Since August 2017, Ciencias Administrativas is a member of REDALYC (Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, The Caribbean, Spain and Portugal). The inclusion in the Network will allow the Journal and Authors, which choose us to disseminate their work, greater impact and display.

Achieving this objective has meant a huge effort for the whole staff of this Journal. We wish to thank them warmly because they make possible the regularity and the biannual publication quality (Editorial Team, Reviewers, Layout Designers, Syntax Reviewer and Translator).

We would also like to extend our thanks to the authorities of the Faculty of Economics Sciences, Universidad de La Plata and especially to Mg. Martin Lopez Armengol, current Dean of the Faculty, who during his management has given a full institutional support to the Journal, providing space and necessary resources for its establishment and development.  

On behalf of those who make the Journal we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the authors, reviewers, and readers; also we want to wish each and every one of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The Editorial Board


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How to Cite

Revista CADM, C. E. (2018). Editorial Revista Ciencias Administrativas N°11. Ciencias Administrativas, (11). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/CADM/article/view/4303


