Electronic governance and accessibility: Service availability in public online platforms of Argentina





e-government, quality of service, Argentina


This article shows the results of an annual survey on the service quality of state-owned servers in Argentina. By means of this survey, it seeks to account for the importance of the systematic evaluation of the public digital infrastructure for government information and management services. In the case of the state infrastructure, the importance of its technical stability is especially relevant, since the state services offering represents, in many cases, the access or denial of very basic rights such as education, health or work. The monitoring was carried out over 12 months on 59 sites dependent on the National Government. A deficient performance was observed in comparison with the groups of services selected as reference groups. This poor performance was registered both in terms of availability and the average request response time. The sites depending on the National Government showed differentiated failure patterns according to the group to which they belonged (national departments, state agencies and national universities), suggesting the existence of heterogeneous infrastructures and work methods that converge in all cases in high levels of unavailability of the offered platforms.


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Author Biography

Pablo De Grande, Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad del Salvador. Argentina.

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades por la Universidad de Quilmes. Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es colaborador del Centro de Estudios Desigualdades, Sujetos e Instituciones (CEDESI) de la Universidad de San Martín y es Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Trabaja como investigador en el Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (IDICSO) y es profesor titular en el carrera de Sociología de la Universidad del Salvador.


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How to Cite

De Grande, P. (2018). Electronic governance and accessibility: Service availability in public online platforms of Argentina. Ciencias Administrativas, (15), 051. https://doi.org/10.24215/23143738e051



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